Monday, October 17, 2011

Two People, One Heart
      This is a song called "Song Kon Negun Jai" which means "Two People, One Heart", it's by a Thai band called Laolom. The video is about two friends that got separated from each other as kids. After growing they've walked past each other many times but, still have yet to meet. But the song along with the lyrics themselves are about two people who always have each other, no matter what,"If I get lost, I'm not afraid, I have us" is repeated various times through out the entire song.
      This song is a great example of Thai modern music (even though it is a bit slow). But because of the music of the song, and the instruments its being played with, and specially it's beat it's good example.
It's also a good example of how, western and other                                                    types of music influences Thai music, because the music sounds very western.

      This song is great I really enjoy listening to it, I believe the lyrics and the melody of the song are beautiful. The song really touches your heart, and the video is a really cute but sad story.But I like the video not only for the music, but also because it gives you a glimpse of Thailand, not the one everyone automatically imagines when they hear the name, but the real one.

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