Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kamikaze Singer : Knom Jean

Kamikaze is a Thai record label that was formed in 2007. It launches songs with young adults and teens in mind, mostly pop music. The record label has grown very popular in a very short amount of time. They have luanched many great Thai artists such as, Faye Fang Keaw, Mila, Waii, SWEE:D, and Knom Jean ( to name a few). The internet doesn't really have any information on Knom Jean, except that she's a 19 years old, thai singer, that works under RS Entertainment. But through research I've learned that she's very popular among teens and throughout the country, thai people love her.

Knom Jean is a great singer, her songs are supposedly very powerful to thai teens. But I think her songs would be very powerful for any teen around the world. Most of her songs are about love, experiences, and moving on. I believe anyone who likes love songs, or inspirational songs would love her music. So here's a few, to get you started. These three in particular are all connected, because they tell a story, and each song is an different part of the story. Enjoy!!! :D


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